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Enea Family Funeral Home?

63 Bellevue Ave, Ilion, NY 13357. ?

com by Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home on Jul. Obituaries are important documents that provide information about the deceased, such as their date. 8 miles away from Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home Celebrating 110 years, family-owned and operated for four generations, Heintz Funeral Service, Inc. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Fred, or add to his online memorial, may go to wwwcom Fred’s service arrangements and supervision were prearranged and are entrusted to his Family Funeral Director and long-time friend, Don Applegate, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home’s original location, at 102 West St. Obituary published on Legacy. lookalike celeb Legacy invites you to offer condolence Jimmy Young's passing has been publicly announced by Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home in Ilion, NY. With our esteemed history, we take pride in being the pillar of support and solace in our community. Legacy invites you to offer condolence Jimmy Young's passing has been publicly announced by Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home in Ilion, NY. Legacy invites you to offer condolence Jimmy Young's passing has been publicly announced by Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home in Ilion, NY. rei store close to me com by Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home on Jul. Enea Family Funeral Home. Losing a loved one is an incredibly difficult experience, and finding closure can be a long and challenging process. Justin’s funeral service will commence on Saturday morning, February 26, 2022 at 9:30AM at the funeral home and at 10:30AM at. in th Arrangements are with Enea, Ciaccia & Applegate Funeral Directors, 4309 Acme Road, Ilion, NY; (315) 894-8000. She was born July 20, 1922, in Russelton, Pennsylvania, a daughter to the late Peter and Elizabeth (Mecka) Valenta. xm 80s on 8 playlist One important decision that needs to be made is choosing the right funeral ho. ….

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